26 June 2007



Ave atque vale

So here is my last post (cue bugle) as owner and webmaster of absolutetrash.co.uk. Keith will be taking over now and no doubt there will be changes galore as he gets into it. I wish him the best of luck and I'm sure he'll have some great ideas.

Thanks to both my many readers. I'll be around on the web under many other sites but I'll blog those in other places. Have fun and enjoy life.


Family Medical Advice & Tips

Free ebooks, business ideas, stuff I'm floating around and lots of other bits and pieces as I see fit or have time for.

19 June 2007



How can I manage so much?

GAAAHHHH!! Even more stuff found to read, digest and try to g=find time to act upon.

There must be a way to do it all. Hold time a full time job. Admittedly I get 4 days off in a row but cominf off 4 12 hour shifts just drains me so much I need the time to recover.

Excuses, excuses.

I'm in the process of reading Project Black Mask and boy is it good. If you want to be ethical about how you create your sites don't bother with this one. If you want to make money... Read on! It's by the same guy who did Adwords Miracle, Project X and Day Job Killer so it was off to a head start in my book. I'm only halfway through and I can see some real good uses for the techniques... If I can find the time.

I've let you know, now what more can I do? Gotta make a start somewhere but back to work on Thursday. I may just get around to this one.

Family Medical Advice & Tips

Free ebooks, business ideas, stuff I'm floating around and lots of other bits and pieces as I see fit or have time for.

25 April 2007



Best damn traffic advice on the internet

I hate to repaet myself but this is a real diamond find...It's
Best damn traffic advice on the internet. You really get the impression that Woody knows what he's talking about and doesn't give a damn if you believe him or not. Make sure you read the early stuff which explains the background. Interesting doesn't begin to start it off.

Be good folks.

Family Medical Advice & Tips

Free ebooks, business ideas, stuff I'm floating around and lots of other bits and pieces as I see fit or have time for.


23 April 2007



2 new sources of joy

I've just discovered 2 great new sources of information.

If you want to find out what blog readers are enjoying at the moment go to Reddit.com

Woody Maxim is the alter ego of a gent who has spent a long time promoting the most difficult and yet most profitable industry on the net. He's put his past behind him now and is now into more repectable money schemes. If he can drive traffic to porn sites then he can drive traffic anywhere. I'm now a daily visitor to his empire (the new one not the old) and I'm all ears when he speaks.

Please pop over to reddit.com and give me a mention on there. I may not get on page one, but I might get some brief mention in passing. Here's how

1. Visit Reddit.com. If you have an account, login. If you don't, please register for one and then login.

2. Click on ‘Submit’ on the top right of your screen.

3. Pick one of the 10 posts on this blog… any one will do… and enter the URL to that specific post into the URL line.

4. Enter the title from that post on the title line.

5. Keep the 'subreddit' on reddit.com. (Drop down box - just leave it alone).

6. Enter the information for the image verification in the image verification section.

7. You will be directed to a comments box, add a nice comment about that post.

8. Click the red 'up' arrow.

Thank you.

Family Medical Advice & Tips

Free ebooks, business ideas, stuff I'm floating around and lots of other bits and pieces as I see fit or have time for.

15 April 2007



Another site online

Ok so it's a bit of a cheat this one as it just links instantly to another site, but it might just work/ Have a look at this place here and see what you think.

It's a little trick I've picked up. If you want adomain name close to someone else's then go for www-domainname. Notice the hyphen between www and domain name. Chances are no one will notice it and the joy is, unless you specify otherwise, www.www-domainname and www-domainname will go to the same place. So leave off the www. at the beginning and you have a lookalike domain name. Don't try this for fraudulent reasons, but it does come in handy for affiliate links and the such like. I use the link to go straight to my affiliate page for the same site. In case you didn't know, that's one aspect of link cloaking. Another way of doing it is to go to tinyurl.com, put in your long affiliate link and get a shorter one back. They do look a bit untidy though as you end up with something like http://tinyurl.com/3co52a instead of http://steven938.secretaff.hop.clickbank.net which go to the same place. Depends on your taste and whether you already have a web site to put up redivert pages (which search engines do not like apparently).

I've spent the day tidying up My medical advice articles site which I suddenly noticed had a ton of errors and the sitemap only listed 5 of the 15 subsites. So much for testing after uploading. Will I ever learn how to do this properly and save myself effort later. As an afterthought I went over to dmoz.org and checked all my subdomains were registered under the appropriate headings. For those who don't know, dmoz.org is the source of many search engine's listings, including Google's so it's a good place to be on. Takes months to get listed though.

That should do for now. Back on shift tomorrow so it's back with my nose to the grindstone, shoulder to the wheel and back to the wall.... Try working in that position!

Family Medical Advice & Tips

Free ebooks, business ideas, stuff I'm floating around and lots of other bits and pieces as I see fit or have time for.

14 April 2007



So what's next?

So what else can I do? Well if you believe the experts and gurus, plenty. Promote what I've already got going, add more to the site to expand the existing one as well as create more sites, on different servers and circular link them... that is, link to the next site but don't link it back, thus creating one way linking which the search engines seem to like better. Obviously the minimum you can do this with is 3 sites but if you're going for an online empire you have to expand sometime or another.

ANother good trick comes courtesy of a chap who seems to want to remain anonymous. Unlike most ebook authors he is quite content to hide his name but just to do his utmost to push his wares... amongst them is How to get FREE Google Adwords. The technique is very simple and he offers so much support in the way of links, banners, letters and articles. So much so that it seems silly not to try it. Anyway... you can find out for yourself here:- Free Google Adwords. Naturally I will be trying his techniques and letting you know how it all goes.

I guess that could be a lot of my problems is too many ideas and not enough technical 'nous' to try them all and certainly not enough time between real work! I want to keep up with the blog though as writing seeems to flow nicely here.

Until the next time... however long that is!

AbsoluteTrash Medical Information and Advice

Free ebooks, business ideas, stuff I'm floating around and lots of other bits and pieces as I see fit or have time for.

Last minute addition. It's a throw together site but maybe something will be of use later... Check this out, please

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17 March 2007



Too little written. To little time

It's been too long since I added anything to this write up so it's about time I did. Nothing much new to report though. Thanks to slow plodding progress and not enough effort I managed to get 2 of my sites to a Google rating of 1. I know I haven't done enough around related forums but pushing Free family health advice and Copy Writing, translation & editing to every search engine has at last started to pay off. I'm also using an FFA distribution software program to dump several sites onto FFA sites but without much hope that anyone except email farmers will actually see anything.

I've also put new new sites onto the web, both showing the same content for the moment but I have high hopes to run a membership site from Sloby Marketeers Membership Site although for the moment it just mirrors Adwords Miracle, Project X & Day Job Killer affiliate sales page. This page also has a free download of some useful resourses and is probably being under-used since I don't have a form for collecting email addresses. However since visitor numbers are not high, I'm probably not missing much. I also have some Google adwords pointing to that site but they're not highly funded so again I'm not pushing it as a source of income. It may all come together soon but for noe it's take it easy and see what works for me.

Bye bye for now.

Free family health advice

Free ebooks, business ideas, stuff I'm floating around and lots of other bits and pieces as I see fit or have time for.