12 October 2006



New sites go live

Busy day yesterday. I finalised the background, tweaked the CSS file and agonised over what else could be done. I then got hold of the articles i'd been collecting and went for it. 40 pages of assorted information on health topics including the link at the top... heartburn.

OK, I realise that absolutetrash might not be a very good name, but I'd had the domain kicking around without a real use so it made some sense to just fill it up. So there you have it. Acid Reflux or heartburn or GERD whatever you want to call it, now has it's own information site.

Had a few problems with creating a sitemap file for Google but I think I got there in the end. The harder work is done and I can now re-use and abuse my template and search for other subjects to add. Persistance and continual checking seemed to be the order of the day there. Obviously I need to let as many places as possible know about the site and no doubt I've got more to do as yet, but the start has been made at least. The free ebooks are still there too.


Free ebooks, business ideas, stuff I'm floating around and lots of other bits and pieces as I see fit or have time for.