19 September 2006



In the beginning - There was rubbish

So here it is. My attempt to jump on the bandwagon and publish my meanderings through the blog world. There'll be some shameless plugs for stuff I'm trying to shamelessly plug and some thoughts now and again on the garbage there is out there to trap the unwary. As the mood takes me I'll throw in links to various ebooks I've collected over the years and I may even finish the ones I've started writing.

Yup. I'm trying to be a marketeer and find out what milage there is in it. I'd love tips and feedback from all you others who are trying. We make make something together on it.

Good luck to all who try. Better still. Have FUN.


Free ebooks, business ideas, stuff I'm floating around and lots of other bits and pieces as I see fit or have time for.


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